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1 de diciembre de 2009 06:07
Para: ELLENSUE <>, nena bustamante <>, MARILUZ PORTA <>, PAPA <>, ELVIRA CANO <>, Manuel Sanz <>, ROBERTA <>, jessica junyent <>,



Time devoted to maintaining the pain of unresolved feelings — is time spent without living. Time devoted to retaining un-forgiven disappointments
— is time spent in the past and the past is not alive.

Time devoted to the distractions of discouragement
— Is present time without presence.

These are very common human habits
— the pains of disconnect maintained as noble evidence.
Evidence to prove you are alive, to prove that you have been alive,
or to show those around you that you want to live
— but the more you maintain this unresolved pain,
the less you are present in this moment of life.

While the hurt builds, you grow older and dimmer.
These pains do not clear themselves.
They accumulate and assemble into forces greater than,
and with more importance than, the purpose of your life.
Slavery is the result
— ultimately you are spending more of your life earning,
reaching, striving and proving — than you are actually living.

This persistence to struggle and resistance to solutions
is your insistence of failure, succeeding.
Failure is a thought-form with an equal desire to survive,
but for it to survive  . . . all else must fail.
The only creature in the kingdom with this failure strategy is the human
. . . all other creatures would perish through failure.
Humans however, have invented, filtered, perfected and padded their ability
to survive through the imagined bounty of failure's sympathy.

We have spent generations, lifetimes and incarnations
developing this non-living state of living.
An epidemic of depression is the consequence
— the totality of nature pressing in without resolution.
You are not actually alive in this maintenance of your pain,
but trapped in the past where the pain itself lives and you cannot.

When you are not living in a present moment, the present moment presses in
. . . crushing inspiration into depression.
Depression is the mento-emotional state of disallowing
your authority to be your driving purpose.

The only way out of this is to muster your total strength to a single focus;
then 'fore-ward-give' your life to the present moment, by 'for-give-ing' your life of the past.

Be forgiving of everything; restore your authority to be you . . . to present yourself as you.

Press back when depression presses in.
Deliver your unresolved past into the present moment and experience it fully
— resolve it by experiencing it.
Then become alive — right here — right now.

Trust it — it works; it is the magical side of your logical ways.



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